• +86-17561655347
  • itidms@etdis.org
  • webconf

General Paper Submissions

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers (up to 5 pages for technical content, including figures and possible references) or extended abstracts (for oral presentations) via the ITIDMS 2023 conference website. Manuscripts should be original (not submitted/published anywhere else) and written following the standard paper template. The accepted abstracts will not be published; however, the abstracts will be included in ITIDMS 2023 conference program. Accepted papers and abstracts will be scheduled in lecture and poster sessions.

Submission Methods

1. Log in to the Submission System to upload your paper.

2. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

3. Kindly notice that each paper should be edited in English and at least 5 full pages with the Template requirements in A4 size.

Submission Requirement

  1. Papers for presentations should conform to the Template format and specifications. All submissions must be in English only.

  2. The page limit for each submission is flexible. The general paper material (including text, figures, tables, acknowledgment, etc.) must fit into 5 pages, while additional pages will be permitted at the cost of $60 per extra page.

  3. Accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings; the authors will be invited to give an oral/poster presentation.

  4. The Abstract should not exceed 1 page. Accepted abstracts will be invited to give an oral/poster presentation without publishing into the proceedings.

  5. The paper template can be downloaded from the above weblink. ITIDMS 2023 takes plagiarism very seriously with Ithenticate; the paper will be rejected when the coved same parts are more than 20%, except for cited references.


Single-Blind Review

The reviewing process of the ICMLPS conference aims to provide authors with constructive feedback on their papers, even when a submission is rejected. All submissions will be subjected to single-blind peer reviews, who are experts or have been experiencing in the related field for years. The accepted papers must be revised, taking into consideration the referees' comments and suggestions, before inclusion in the conference proceedings. For details